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Friday Fun and Freaky Rubdown

Friday Fun and Freaky Rubdown

Friday Fun and Freaky Rubdown

by MoleSeptember 25, 2009

Anna here gang

We finally had a nice week for us bears! It felt so good to go down, now I know it wasn’t like the old days, but we’re just getting started, as far as I am concerned I wish we would just fill that 1122 gap, and crash about 600 SPX points down 🙂 I am prepared to add significant puts there and higher.

Well what an odd day to say the least, we really basically churned around most of the day, for a while there, i thought my computer screens froze and it didn’t move for about 90 minutes. I closed most trades today as holding over the weekend for me has not been a good move n the last few months. I do have a large SPY ITM put spread on.

There was a small glitch in Zero and Geronimo this morning, but was swiftly fixed by Eric and Mole. Zero was fabulous once it got going!

We just couldn’t get under that 1040 level that I was hoping for, but we couldn’t get above 1053 either.  We have been down three days now, so a fouth probably isn’t in the cards, we may retest the 1053 area and possibly higher.

I had a blast authoring the blog with all of you. You are some of not only the best traders, but the best people as well. 🙂

About The Author
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at various social media waterholes below.