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How To Pick Great Entries Like A Pro

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June 27, 2023

How To Pick Great Entries Like A Pro

The tape has been boring AF over the past few days which is an excellent time to teach you guys a thing or two about price action. And let me start out by ripping off the band-aid and telling you straight forward that relying solely on indicators – ANY indicator – is HUGE mistake. One that may in fact cost you your trading account.


Scary Setups

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January 15, 2020

Scary Setups

If I could have a penny for every setup I felt enthusiastic about and that invariably blew up in my face I would be… well, a lot richer than I am. To be honest when it comes to picking juicy entries off a chart I rank about average. What may set me apart from the rest, and what has helped me survive in a wide range of market conditions over the years was learning to overcome my instincts and engage in setups that scared the heck out of me.


How To Roll With Price At Inflection Points

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June 14, 2019

How To Roll With Price At Inflection Points

Earlier this week we covered how to recognize trend reversals with nothing but plain old vanilla price charts. In essence this involves establishing a sequence of higher highs and higher lows (or lower highs and lower lows during a sell off) which should remain unchallenged during the meaty part of a trend.


How To Recognize Trend Reversals

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June 11, 2019

How To Recognize Trend Reversals

When it comes to indicators I definitely have come round circle during my evolution as a trader. Like most of us I started out like a kid in the candy store, especially during the early ThinkOrSwim years, which opened the flood gates on the availability of advanced tools for lowly retail traders.

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How To Pick Great Entries Like A Pro
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