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When You Get To A Fork In The Road…

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May 21, 2019

When You Get To A Fork In The Road…

… Take It! Yogi Berra played, managed and coached the New York Yankees from 1946 through 1985. Yogi is known for not only his baseball career but also for his countless expressions that were memorable because most of them didn’t make any sense. However, every one of them has some truth to it and some of his quotes even relate to trading. Does “It ain’t over till it’s over” ring any bells?


Why You Fail As Traders

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May 29, 2015

Why You Fail As Traders

As you know by now I’m currently moving forward with a LAMM based signal service and as planned six or seven people have been selected as the first to get started. One question that keeps coming up is which system to choose – CrazyIvan or Thor? One intrepid sub is currently opening accounts with Vankar and he emailed me the following today:

I’m getting to the point where I’m about set up. Brokers take their sweet time, apparently.

After reading your writeup on Crazy Ivan – which seems to be kicking ass – I’m still not sure of which system I should choose. I was leaning toward Thor based on the SQN and higher expectantcy in your [...]


David’s Trading Trials And Tribulations

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June 13, 2014

David’s Trading Trials And Tribulations

This is the second contribution in a new Evil Speculator category we titled ‘Retail Trader Tales’. Writing down your personal experience forces you to relive them and perhaps come to terms with some of the demons that may still plague your subconscious. If nothing else others may realize that they are not alone and that many retail traders out there have been taken advantage of by shysters, false gurus, lousy brokers, the list is long. If you feel like sharing your own (sad or success) story please send us an email to admin@ – of course your full name will not be mentioned and your dirty secrets are safe with us 

I’m a full time commercial attorney practicing in New [...]


Brett’s Forex Adventures

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June 10, 2014

Brett’s Forex Adventures

This is the first post in a new Evil Speculator category we titled ‘Retail Trader Tales’. Writing down your personal experience forces you to relive them and perhaps come to terms with some of the demons that may still plague your subconscious. If nothing else others may realize that they are not alone and that many retail traders out there have been taken advantage of by shysters, false gurus, lousy brokers, the list is long. If you feel like sharing your own (sad or success) story please send us an email to admin@ – of course your full name will not be mentioned and your dirty secrets are safe with us 😉

My first foray into trading was back in 2009 when a [...]

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  • Dirty Trading Words – Part 1
    The late George Carlin used to have a great routine on the hypocrisy of the seven unspeakable dirty words not permitted on radio or television. …
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