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How To Catch A Dog WIF Hat

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May 28, 2024

How To Catch A Dog WIF Hat

One of the things I love the most about quant trading, and digging into the numbers, is how it can often lead you in completely unexpected directions, some of them with significant profit potential.


Everyone Is Confused – And We Like It That Way

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July 14, 2021

Everyone Is Confused – And We Like It That Way

Here’s another golden rule of trading you will never hear in the financial mainstream media: The less information the market yields, the more participants will attempt to fill the resulting vacuum with noise. Which is exactly why market makers love the summer slump as it’s high season for selling over priced OTM calls and puts to hapless retail traders.


Wait For It!

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June 17, 2021

Wait For It!

Implied volatility over the past few weeks has managed to blue-ball me worse than my first high school date. At least back then I finally got lucky on the third turn. But this attention whoring bitch tease of a market just keeps on making hot promises and then never puts out. That at least until yesterday afternoon when the FOMC – unexpectedly – put some fear of God into what has become a long term manic depressive but short term over complacent marketplace.


Never Argue With Price

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May 26, 2021

Never Argue With Price

For when it comes to trading the financial markets price is the ultimate arbiter of truth. Period. We can whinge and whine all we want about what the market ‘should be doing’ based on a laundry list of technical evidence suggesting that it is ‘overbought’. But in the end, the market will simply do what it wants to do. And when it wants to go up – we aim high – especially during a bull market.

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How To Catch A Dog WIF Hat

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