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Max Exhaustion

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May 17, 2021

Max Exhaustion

Happy Monday! Unfortunately I won’t be able to cobble up an interesting post today as I’ve been working non-stop the entire weekend and didn’t make it into bed until 3:30am last night. My brain is turning into tapioca and to make matters worse one of my front teeth broke and I’ll have to see a dentist this evening. So in essence just a regular day at the trading lair…


Beware The Ides Of March

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March 15, 2021

Beware The Ides Of March

I felt a little bit like Julius Cesar today, getting stabbed and prodded all over the place in preparation for my ‘procedure’ on Wednesday. Unlike Julius however I survived the experience and at least thus far it appears that my rapid COVID test has come out negative as I was told I would receive a phone call otherwise. Anyway, with enough time left before the opening bell I decided to quickly put together a post for you guys:


The SKEW Must Flow!

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February 8, 2021

The SKEW Must Flow!

An old friend wrote me over the weekend asking whether or not it was finally time to back up the truck and short the heck out of this market. My response to him basically boiled down to ‘never step in front of a speeding freight train’ – however true to form I did provide him with a few valuable pointers. Which I thought may actually make for a good post, so if you happen to currently suffer form bearish inclinations I suggest you put down your mobile enslavement gadget and pay attention.


The Final Sprint

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December 14, 2020

The Final Sprint

Whether you like it or not, most would agree that the German language has a good number of very cool words which are not only difficult to translate into other languages but also hold special meaning. Schadenfreude is a popular one that even English speakers seem to have widely adopted over the years. Blitzkrieg is one that is associated with Germany’s WW2 ambitions which speaks to the country’s ability to exert ruthless efficiency which however ended in total disaster.

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