E-Mini Swing Trading
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How To Catch A Dog WIF Hat

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May 28, 2024

How To Catch A Dog WIF Hat

One of the things I love the most about quant trading, and digging into the numbers, is how it can often lead you in completely unexpected directions, some of them with significant profit potential.


Volatile Systems

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September 10, 2018

Volatile Systems

You guys know I’ve been all over volatility, the realized and the implied kind, for a good part of this decade now. If you curious as to the reasons for my volatile obsession then the most salient one is that volatility is much easier to predict than signed returns. I’ve covered that topic in exhaustive detail over the past few years and today we’re actually going to put it to work.


E-Mini Epiphany

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August 20, 2018

E-Mini Epiphany

Seeing the E-Mini in the green after holding it over the weekend is definitely a good way to start your Monday and I strongly recommend it. What’s more important however is a little epiphany I had this morning when I was staring at the E-Mini’s volatility panel. The indicator I use is something I hacked up a few years ago but I could never really find out how to turn it into a system. Until today that is.


VIXEN Looking For Betas

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July 13, 2018

VIXEN Looking For Betas

Since my big announcement three weeks ago (how time flies) I have been working hard to fix a very annoying data related problem in VIXEN that turned out to be a bit of the exotic type, but in the end had to yield to the untiring scrutiny of good old fashioned German engineering (none of that neo-hippy organic VirtueKraut bullshit) plus an extra heaping of politically incorrect and borderline creepy stubbornness. Okay, it was a lot more of the latter than the former but I’m now ready to stick a fork into VIXEN and let her loose onto my intrepid steel rats for an extended bout of beta testing.

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How To Catch A Dog WIF Hat

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Altcoin Open Interest Scalping
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  • Status Quo BiasStatus Quo Bias
    Something pretty interesting happened over the weekend as I was cruising Airbnb for potential weekend get-aways here on the Iberian Peninsula. Since I’ve always been …
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