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A few tickers.

A few tickers.

A few tickers.

by MoleOctober 23, 2009

Berk here.

Since Disgust completely blows balls.. This is the only way you guys can hear my voice today…

I got a few tickers that are looking pretty good here. Most I have mentioned before, but here are some slightly annotated charts… Nothing too in depth, but enough to work with.

Note:  Most of these are not ready to play yet, just putting them on the radar.



CE triple top (or h/s top) and engulfing candle.

CE triple top (or h/s top) and engulfing candle.

Retest or break-down... Choose your bias...

Retest or break-down... Choose your bias...

Double top...  Engulfing candle.

Double top... Engulfing candle.

GNK double spike top...

GNK double spike top...

BX big break retest.  and little break retest.

BX big break retest. and little break retest.

SOHU potential flag break-out

SOHU potential flag break-out

That is from me for now, or until Disgust finally starts to get it’s act together.

Berk out!

About The Author
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at various social media waterholes below.