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Altcoin PUMP Sniffer Ready To Rock

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June 1, 2024

Altcoin PUMP Sniffer Ready To Rock

Saturday Special! If you’re on the hunt for altcoins that may be on the brink of a good ole’ fashion pump, then this video is for you:


Bitcoin Correction Ready To Resolve

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May 30, 2024

Bitcoin Correction Ready To Resolve

Bitcoin has been stuck in a corrective phase since late March which finally seems to be nearing its conclusion. Time for a quick market update!


How To Catch A Dog WIF Hat

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May 28, 2024

How To Catch A Dog WIF Hat

One of the things I love the most about quant trading, and digging into the numbers, is how it can often lead you in completely unexpected directions, some of them with significant profit potential.


Altcoin Open Interest Scalping

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May 20, 2024

Altcoin Open Interest Scalping

If you are finding it difficult to identify possible price breakouts in altcoins then this video is a must-watch. I’ll show you a technical approach that combines two alpha factors: hourly open interest outliers + daily trading range based on 30-day standard deviation.

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Altcoin PUMP Sniffer Ready To Rock
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Bitcoin Correction Ready To Resolve
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How To Catch A Dog WIF Hat

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Altcoin Open Interest Scalping
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