Terrible Twisted Torture Chop & Slop Thursday
Terrible Twisted Torture Chop & Slop Thursday
Anna here gang!
Well wasn’t that just a ton of fun! Feel like this must be Friday!! Up down down Up, WTF!!! Well that’s a typical OPX and tomorrow we have the Quad witching, so expect much more of the same….I said earlier we end up pretty much where we are now. Now if you check out Zero lite, if you followed that today, you would be able to scalp rather well and the signals were right on! All that back and forth and we end right where we started basically. LOL
Now that being said if you don’t have Zero you are missing one great tool to work with in your trading kit!
That being said here is a picture of what it felt like to be the retail investor roping the Bullshito!
Well I am thinking tomorrow will be just the same and may take an hour or two to get my eyes examined.
I now know the work Mole puts into his blog along with his trading and I only am touching the surface. I begged him to get the real time updating and ‘THANKS MOLE” We love it. See you guys later as I need a much deserved Break. good Job to all today!