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Intra-Day Update: Rock & Roll

Intra-Day Update: Rock & Roll

Intra-Day Update: Rock & Roll

by The MoleOctober 6, 2008

UPDATE 10:00am EDT: Berk and I grabbed more GOOG, some MA, HITT, ZEUS, POT, CISCO, and LEAP. We are also looking at more BIDU but it’s outside the 3.0 Bollinger so we’ll give this a few minutes to show us a direction.

UPDATE 10:08am EDT: We’re also eying to add to FSLR here – approaching a major support line. If it drops through 140 it’s gone. Also, if you were smart enough to grab PBR on Friday, you’re a happy camper today.

UPDATE 10:20am EDT: The DJI just fell below 10,000 – PREDICTION FULFILLED!

UPDATE 10:27am EDT: Berk and I just took massive profits on FSLR – we’re going to reload once it breaches 143.31. Also took profits on BIDU and will reload on 201.15.

UPDATE 11:16am EDT: RELAX EVERYONE! People are already circulating rumors about Fed interventions, SEC actions like shutting the market down, a worldwide consolidated rate cut, etc. So WHAT? The only thing I would be worried about would be the market getting shut down. Otherwise I’d recommend to manage your exposure and just chill! It’s like a bunch of little girls I’m dealing with here…. (no offense Jana – you’ve got more balls than this whole crew combined). Where are my stainless steel rats?

UPDATE 11:25pm EDT: We just grabbed some GS and MON puts.

UPDATE 1:48pm EDT: Really quiet here today – either you guys are raking it in or you panicked and sold off too early. I have not seen many symbols today. Is anyone actually trading this market or are you all psyched out about the plethora of rumors floating around?

UPDATE 4:00pm EDT: Market rallied back – excellent. One more chance to back up the truck.

Not a bad Monday so far – hope you blood sucking leeches are banking coin.

About The Author
The Mole
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at the usual social media waterholes.
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