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Tape Reading Without Indicators

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January 17, 2018

Tape Reading Without Indicators

This is the fifth installment of an ongoing educational series that will cover the nuts and bolds of crypto currencies as well as the skills and knowledge required in trading this new asset class successfully over the long term.

BTC/USD is retesting the 10k mark this morning and on some exchanges even briefly dipped below it. ETH/USD has nearly been cut in half over the past three sessions, falling from slightly above 1550 to currently 860. And no better opportunity than a panic laden blood-in-the streets day for launching the next chapter of this series which will focus on tape reading and how to survive in the snake oil peddling casino that is the fledgling retail crypto [...]


Crypto Exchange Data Providers

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January 12, 2018

Crypto Exchange Data Providers

This is the fourth installment of an ongoing educational series that will cover the nuts and bolds of crypto currencies as well as the skills and knowledge required in trading this new asset class successfully over the long term.

Now that you have established one or more trading accounts at your favorite crypto exchange you may consider accessing your provider’s public API in order to pull historical or perhaps live data, to then import it into your trading platform for further technical analysis. Well, forget about it. As of this writing available options are few and far between and most traders make due by using the online charting features provided along with their [...]


Top Ten Crypto Exchanges For Traders

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January 10, 2018

Top Ten Crypto Exchanges For Traders

This is the third installment of an ongoing educational series that will cover the nuts and bolds of crypto currencies as well as the skills and knowledge required in trading this new asset class successfully over the long term.

In our previous installment we covered a comprehensive list of requirements and concerns aimed at pre-qualifying any crypto exchange prior to opening an account. All that information may be a bit overwhelming so today we’ll be going through a list of the most popular exchanges out there and compile a summary report for each of them.


Choosing A Crypto Exchange

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January 8, 2018

Choosing A Crypto Exchange

This is the second installment of an ongoing educational series that will cover the basics of crypto currencies as well as a multitude of challenges involved and the knowledge required in trading this new asset class successfully over the long term.

Alright, you’ve made up your mind and decided that you want to trade all those effervecent crypto currencies your friends keep telling you about. So let’s just find a popular exchange then, open an account, and Bob’s your uncle, right? Well, I wish it was that easy and the plot thickens if you approach this from the perspective of a casual trader.

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