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Everyone’s Getting Some

Everyone’s Getting Some

Everyone’s Getting Some

by The MoleMarch 9, 2023

If the current market gyrations are making you want to step out into the yard and kick a tree or two, then you’re not alone.

Over the past year we’ve effectively gone nowhere fast with no clear direction in sight.

Just the way I like it.

These are ideal conditions for selling overpriced premium to hapless retail victims.

If that’s you then sorry – but hey it’s doggy dog out there.

Plus I’ve got expensive hobbies, like flying kamikaze drones into local chicken farms while playing the Top Gun theme at full volume.

In minecraft of course…

Hey, you’re always free to join the fun and bank some ill-gotten gains on the way.

But let me throw you a bone here and advice you that we’re probably in for a wee bit of volatility today and probably tomorrow.

The lower auto-EM threshold has been tickled and that’s a great spot to drop a cheap butterfly in the upper range of the weekly EM range, especially since we’ve only got two sessions to go.

If you’ve paid attention in RPQ basic bootcamp then you know that IV spikes like these foretell sordid tales of retail trader tears.

Yeah say that one five times in a row…

BTW, no worries there’s plenty of fun scheduled for the remainder of the year.

Steep contango on the VX futures = solid investor confidence in the stock market…. crashing and burning sometime this year.

Yes, get in line – everyone’s getting some! 😉

Anyway, if you’re tired of losing and want to learn how to trade like a pro then here’s your chance.

With RPQ Unlimited, you’ll receive all the trading education you will ever need to be a successful options trader on a long term basis.

We believe it is crucial to immediately start growing your trading account just like a professional: slowly and consistently.

Which is why we are spoon feeding you live quant trades that you’ll place alongside us. Trades from proven market specific strategies, with a proven track record that institutional firms keep under lock and key.

A LIVE cumulative P&L with all trades over the past year can be found here.

You can sign up right here.

See you on the other side.


About The Author
The Mole
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at the usual social media waterholes.
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