Helter Skalper
Helter Skalper
I have been working on something new for the past year – I call it Helter Skalper and it’s the signal core for a scalping strategy on the spoos. This is an arbitrary term I kind of made up (as I didn’t go to some fancy quant academy or al Qaeda training camp like Volar) and it simply represents a basic set of parameters/measures that are being used to build a trading strategy.
For instance, if you take a simple moving average cross over strategy then the two MAs would represent the signal core to build the XO entry/exit logic. What can I say – I love modular logic for organizational/reuse reasons but also to produce core logic delineations. Suffice to say that Helter Skalper is a lot more complicated – I have tweaked this beast for over a year already 😉
Now I plotted some signal conditions on the S&P E-Mini 1min chart today and when looking over the past few sessions I thought that this may actually be something my stainless steel rats could be interested in. Observe:
That’s today’s tape.
That’s yesterday.
Friday’s tape.
Wednesday’s tape was more interesting than Thursday.
I would appreciate some input – this is something I could spend considerable time writing a black box for. However, given that it offers quite accurate directional bias (and possible turning points) it may also serve as a great chart feed (just like the Zero) for discretionary scalpers. What do you guys think? I’m putting up a poll – please vote!