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Intra-Day Update: X-Mas Trap!

Intra-Day Update: X-Mas Trap!

Intra-Day Update: X-Mas Trap!

by The MoleDecember 23, 2008

UPDATE 1:00pm EST: Apologies for being so quiet this morning but I had tons of issues to deal with and there was little time for blogging. I did however manage to recode the entire Zero alert system and have changed some of the colors:

I have changed the indecision/exit lines to pink. There are also more pronounced exit signals – also in pink but shifted either above or below the zero line – which will replace the old green exit signals which obviously were easily confused with long ETAs. That’s what happens when you keep adding functionality in a short amount of time – you have to go back and refactor some of the old code so it fits the new paradigm. Anyway, I’m going to deploy the new version in a few minutes – today was the perfect time to do this as (hopefully) few of you are out there sitting in front of the Zero feed 😉

And yes, I will be updating the tutorial in the coming days – need a break myself – have been working on this day and night for weeks now.

Anyway, looking at the screen grab above it’s apparent that we are trapped between a long and short RL and I don’t expect us to make much head-waves today and probably not until after X-Mas.

There won’t be a forecast tonight as most everyone is busy decorating trees and wrapping some last minute gifts. I myself will probably peek in tomorrow (12/24) but won’t be around for long.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you rats a Merry Christmas! You all have worked hard and deserve to kick back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Forget about trading for a few days and spend some quality time with your family and friends – even the biggest fortunes cannot replace them. Who knows what may happen next year – some of us may not live to experience X-Mas 2009. Life is short and guaranteed to be fatal, so it is important to step back and appreciate the simple but true things in life. And the true things in life are the ones you cannot pay for.

But enough with the mushy stuff – starting January 5th it’s going to get very evil around here as we will assume a strict ‘no prisoners’ approach whilst ruthlessly separating opposing traders from their ill-gotten gains. I need you rats to be sharp and focused next year, so please take this time to find your center. 2008 was a tough year for even the best of us but we rats came out ahead of everyone else. 2009 will be even better – mark my words 🙂


About The Author
The Mole
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at the usual social media waterholes.
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