Skipping The Treadmill Today
Skipping The Treadmill Today
I think I’ll skip the treadmill today…
Speaking of which, the tape continues to turn in circles across the board and it certainly doesn’t help matters that index futures are rolling into 2016 today. So I will be keeping my suicidal tendencies in check by not getting sucked into any silly traps, especially on the equities side. If you must participate watch the Zero closely as I expect it to be a memorable session. Hey, I said memorable – not fun.
Not much happening on the setup front unfortunately and I was only able to hunt down one promising candidate, which I’ll need to reserve for my intrepid subs. If you are a leech reading this console pride yourself by the fact that the Mole and his nefarious minions are trading against you and that we will have little compunction about wearing your skull as a hat.

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