Taking Profits
Taking Profits
It’s pretty much a binary situation – either you pulled the trigger yesterday when the getting was good or you were debating the end of life as we know it over at ZeroEdge or some other perma-bear watering hole. There is a small crew here who over the years has worked hard to gain membership to the exclusive 1% club. To earn the privilege to walk among men (and women) who are able to print coin in any market environment. Many have tried and most have failed – and we rats would not have it any other way.
Frankly I really don’t care what anyone else thinks. This was brilliantly timed and executed. If you missed the mark then you only have yourself to blame. Frankly I’m tired of the noise and will instead revel in my ill-gotten gains whilst laughing maniacally.
Anyway, I’m taking partial profits here and then I’m heading over to the local Kindergarten to hand out lollipops wrapped in stock trading tips.
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