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Under Construction

Under Construction

So you may have noticed that the site is a bit of a mess right now. After seven glorious years of Evil Speculator goodness it was time to redecorate the lair and bring it up to modern browser standards.  Quite frankly a thorough overhaul had been long overdue and it would have happened a lot earlier if had I not constantly been bogged down with system development and other related projects over the past two years.

Evil Speculator 3.0

However a few days ago I took a long objective look at this place and decided that it was badly organized and the services offered weren’t explained well at all (to put it kindly). What originally started out as a simple personal blog for posting market updates and setups has over the years evolved into an amalgamation of tools and subscription services. On top of that there are literally hundreds of pages chock full of educational content that nobody can find, especially someone who’ve never visited before. The systems, the tutorials, and the nifty little tools all are hidden behind pages and pages and sub menus. Clearly the entire site needed to be reorganized.

And as you can tell I’m still in the midst of it all. Originally I was planning to get it all done during the Christmas holidays while you guys were all away. But there would have been only marginal technical support available should the site blow up. So I decided to start this early and get at least the basic framework up and running which you are looking at right now. Now before you start bitching: this is only the tip of the iceberg as this theme has a ton of bells and whistles which will allow me to make all the goods here accessible within one or two clicks maximum. I’m not interested in fancy sliders or useless gimmicks – we’ll keep it focused and functional. Really cool stuff is coming, so please be patient and give me a few days to finish the job.

Growing Pains

What you’ll notice is that many of the older posts will look a bit funky as the new template requires a features image. I will fix most of our educational posts (which you will be able to access on the right sidebar) but there’s no way I’m sorting through 3600 daily posts and get them all updated. All the services should be working fine and the Zero page hasn’t moved. However if you have any trouble logging in or finding anything you really need right now then just email me and I’ll sort you out in a jiffy.

Reaching Out

Another department I have been absolutely neglecting has been marketing and sales. The other day I did a few Google searches and to my horror Evil Speculator is absolutely invisible these days. I found a few old review sites from 2011 but after that there’s literally nothing. Meanwhile thousands of new blogs have sprung up – plus over the past few years social media emerged, additionally drawing attention away from trading blogs and other online communities.

Which however is also an opportunity to expand our reach significantly. In the coming year I plan to push heavily into both affiliate and syndication partnerships. And finally I am going to invite select guest posters to contribute here every once in a while – if anyone of you regulars are interested then please write me privately.

Alright, that’s it for tonight – I’ll be around tomorrow with an update as usual.

About The Author
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at various social media waterholes below.