We’re in the final stretches of the year and this is some of the best tape we’ve been seeing for weeks now – perhaps months. You guys should be having fun stainless steel rat style. But I’m not sensing that and it’s a bit puzzling. Not to complain but I personally decided long ago to live my life embracing every single moment and to excel at whatever my future had in store for me. That applies to pretty much everything I do – no matter if it’s leisure or work related. As the old saying goes – if you do what you love then you never work a day in your life. So why so serious?
Try to have fun with it. I’m not saying you shouldn’t take it seriously – no sirree. Trading is a pretty serious endeavor with little margin for error – but it’s one you have to enjoy in order to make it through to the other side (i.e. banking coin). So ask yourself – what made you want to be a trader in the first place? The money? The independence? The challenge? Those are all great reasons but if you don’t enjoy parsing charts or crunching numbers to create a trading system then you may be in the wrong room buddy.
So yes – work your ass off – learn as much as you can – do whatever it takes to get there. But enjoy the process and most of all – take the damn setups! 😉
If you took yesterday’s inside day short on the TF then you came pretty close to a stop out just an hour ago. Good job hanging in there as we’r descending lower and it seems buyers are nervous about holding for a holiday weekend. If you haven’t taken the entry then you may cheat a little and get in around here – it has triggered technically and this way you get a cheaper entry. But remember that you’ll have to do your own R calculations based on your entry. Hope that makes sense. And yes – have fun with it 😉
Copper – as we touched the 2R mark and then pulled back it looks like we’re going to close this one out for approximately 1.8R. You can hold it into the close in hopes for a few more ticks – up to you.
Gold – that campaign ended earlier today for a nice 2R – congrats!
Some of you took that inside day on crude although I had missed to post it. EXCELLENT job and that is what I want to see! (Mole wipes a tear) Now you know the drill – we did drop quite a bit and went below the 2R mark. And unless there is a late day sell off you are going to conclude this campaign today.
And yes – I do have setups – nice ones too! Please grab your secret decoder ring and join me in the lair:

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Alright folks – we’ve had an excellent week and I hope some of you played along and banked some mighty coin in the process. Now it’s time to kick up your feet and enjoy your weekend. See you guys early Monday morning all bright eyed and bushy tailed.