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Zero Taking A Hike

Zero Taking A Hike

Zero Taking A Hike

by The MoleMay 29, 2009

While we keep whipsawing around and the MMs are driving everyone crazy, now might be as good a time as any to announce an increase in the subscription fee for the Zero. Since its introduction last year it has become an invaluable tool for many of you rats and it’s been really kicking butt, in particular during the last few weeks. Subscribers write me every day about how much they love it and how it has helped improve their trading.

Reasons For Taking A Hike

Unfortunately on my end a growing number of subscribers has also meant a lot more work for me and unless you have ever offered customer support for hundreds of subscribers on a daily basis you have no idea how many hours I spent each day answering questions or helping to resolve technical issues. This of course takes time away from my trading activity – and then I still have a blog to run.

Also, another issue has been the rapid drop of the Dollar and unfortunately I will have to compensate on my end for a growing loss of purchasing power. I just had to sink some pretty heavy coin into a high performance workstation last night as I’m running various trading strategies on NinjaTrader (which is a resource hog), plus my data feed, plus the Zero, the data feed uploader, etc. Finally, my hosting cost have increased massively and I am paying a lot more for the server and the bandwidth these days.

The AdSense banners are really not converting very well and despite a continuous increase in traffic over the past few months, monthly AdSense revenues have actually dropped, which is a bit strange. For instance, May revenues as of today are 30% less than those in March. Of course I can’t make anyone click on those banners – therefore I have to cover my cost somehow. I however have to pay the bills all the same – I’m sure you understand.

Bottom Line:

Thus, starting June 1st the Zero subscription fee will be increased to $49.-/month – I believe that is still a very small price to pay for all the value it offers. In the meantime you are free to tack on another month to your existing subscription at the old price. Even if you are not near expiration adding another one will simply tack on 30 days to the end of your current subscription period. Meaning – let’s say you just subscribed yesterday and your subscription is scheduled to expire on June 28. If you added another month today it would extend your membership to July 28 at the current price of $39.-.

I truly hope that I won’t lose too many of you subs due to this, but my belief is that any good trader who sees value in the Zero and is able to leverage the value it provides will be happy to pay an extra ten bucks – we’re not talking about a fortune here. I know many of you will bitch and moan about this, but unfortunately I have a business to run – just like everyone else.



About The Author
The Mole
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at the usual social media waterholes.
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