Wednesday Freak Show Rub Down
Wednesday Freak Show Rub Down
Well, I promised a turbulent day and that’s what I delivered. Let’s observe:
Great Zero day – good signals all around. The PZI got an early entry and rode it all the way up – despite the obligatory post FOMC freakiness drop into the close I’m pretty sure subscribers banked some nice coin. The Lite never blinked and was pointing up throughout all gyrations.
Even the evil.rat bros banked some humble coin today which of course would have been a lot more had it not been for that final sell off. I was tempted to tell subscribers to take profits but don’t want to make interfering with the system a habit. It’s easy to fall into that trap and before you know it you’re trading around the signal as opposed to with it.
Oh yeah – and fuck Gold – if this bastard doesn’t drop in the next day or so I’m going to have to head to the hills. Meh – you can’t win ’em all – of course you can try 😉
Great day today and some good trading. I’m going to be out and about this evening as I’m catching up with a very old and dear friend of mine. So if I chime in tonight it’ll be very short and brief – probably one chart and a few comments.
P.S.: You rats and I are going to need ‘to have a talk’ – based on the comments I just caught up on basically none of you shorted the market at 881. I mean – WTF – I have been preaching about that level for what – 3 weeks now? The risk/benefit ratio at that mark was HUGE – did you guys freeze up?
Seriously, I see you guys take chances all day in limbo territory – why not at such a major resistance line? If you can’t pull the trigger at such a unique moment as a trader – you have a problem. It seems we’ve got a lot of work today, ladies and leeches…
The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that you guy took the ‘lobotomy option’ in the poll all too literal ….. mmwwwuuuaaahhhaaahaaaahaaaaaaaa!!!!