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A Few Charts With Honey

A Few Charts With Honey

A Few Charts With Honey

by The MoleOctober 7, 2009

I barely had any time this afternoon to even think about the market but once I started poking around in my long list of stockchart links I decided to share two of my favorites. I think they might be quite useful to you damn leeches going forward:

This is the NYSE Advancing Volume in relation to the NYSE Declining Volume – do you happen to see anything interesting here? Yes, I thought you would – now can you please explain to me what’s so damn special about 0.625? 😉

1/1 = 1, 2/1 = 2, 3/2 = 1·5, 5/3 = 1·666…, 8/5 = 1·6, 13/8 = 1·625

Coincidence? Yeah, probably – but I thought I’d point it out just to freak you out a little.

Now, this is tonight’s favorite and it was actually inspired by Berk’s CPCE chart from this afternoon. While I was looking at it I noticed something peculiar – and here you have it. Isn’t that extremely interesting? We seem to be responding to the 10-day MA as it travels down this rough channel. Every time the MA touches the bottom of this channel we seem to be at the brink of a drop and every time we get close to the top of this channel we seem to be getting close to a rally.

Am I seeing things or could trading this tape really be so easy? The big question however remains:

Why the heck did fucking Mole not see this months ago?

Unfortunately I have no response to that 😉

Have a good night.


P.S.: When you click on those charts it will actually pop up the stockcharts.com original. So bookmark those suckers and let us know when you see anything of value.

About The Author
The Mole
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at the usual social media waterholes.
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