Gap And Camp
Gap And Camp
Well apparently the old Convict was wrong on both counts – instead of a gap & go or a gap & crap we wound up getting a gap & camp. That’s okay as we’ve been sitting long since anno domini 1614.25 – courtesy of a plain old NLBL breach which got us positioned on the right side of the tape. Trading doesn’t have to be complicated and if your charts can’t be explained by the average 12 year old then you’re probably just looking at figments of your imagination.
I already know the thought that’s rattling around in your rodent brains right now: ‘Is it time to take profits?’ Well my weasel answer would be ‘that depends on your target’. My more productive response would be that I don’t see anything on the horizon right now – today – that would impel me drop out of long positions. When she runs let her run is my motto after all. There’s rather little standing in the way right now until about 1674 when the volume chart shows us a gaping chasm. So if we wind up pushing this high then this is probably where I would start scaling out a little.
On the NQ we’ve got a weekly NLBL breach and if it holds that would put us into a weekly buy on the tech side.
I will refrain from venting my frustrations about good ole’ bucky receiving another FOMC stomping – after all this wasn’t exactly the first time that Lucy pulled Charley’s football. Instead I choose to be productive and share a new technical resistance line on the LT Dollar chart (three touches works with charts and girls after all). Going forward this should give us more technical context to hang our hats on.
Our new setups are reserved for the subs tonight – please step into my lair:

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Bonus Chart:
Here’s the current Crazy.Ivan 30 on the EUR/USD (without trending volatility filter but with the Larry Connors campaign management) – not shabby at all I would say. Admittedly this is the ideal type of tape for this strategy. I’m currently adding some pre-alerts based on some very good input from one of my beta testers and this puppy should go online over the weekend. If you’re interested in participating in the FREE beta then point your browser here.