Inside The Mind Of A Retail Rat
Inside The Mind Of A Retail Rat
In a column in the Financial Times at the start of the week, former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, whom the Obama Administration passed over to appoint Yellen, argued that it would be folly for the Fed to raise rates. Damn it – this is going to be a boring one again – alright you can do this – this is important, pull yourself together…. Now Ray Dalio, the manager of one of the world’s biggest hedge funds, Bridgewater Associates, has weighed in on the debate… what the fuck does he know… arguing that the Fed, rather than tightening policy (that is, raising rates), might well end up easing instead—purchasing bonds and pumping money into the financial system ... say what??... a policy known as quantitative easing. (Between 2008 and 2014, the Fed carried out such a policy.) OMG this shit is boring… okay, okay, now we’re getting to the good stuff…
When Dalio’s remarks, which he delivered in a note to clients, were first reported, it appeared that he was suggesting the Fed would back off a rate hike, a move Wall Street had been expecting to take place in September or December. On Tuesday, he published an article on LinkedIn ... who the fuck still uses LinkedIn – snort... , in which he clarified his views. “To be clear, we are not saying that we don’t believe that there will be a tightening before there is an easing,” Dalio wrote. “We are saying that we believe that there will be a big easing before a big tight…
Oh for f…s sake, this is IT! How does this crap even make any sense? Am I supposed to buy stocks here or not, for crying out loud!? Or is gold the way to go? It’s fallen a lot lately – gotta bounce at some point! Man, this shit is a lot harder than I thought… perhaps uncle Cletus was right… I should have just invested in his chicken farm instead of opening that damn TDA account.
Alright, what was that guy again who banked some coin recently? Evil Investor or something [googles] – ahh right – Evil Speculator….. Haa-haa – funny guy … damn his charts are really dark, he must be color blind or something. Bad taste in music too, jeezes… Seems to know what he’s doing tho… What? $49 per month? Is he insane? Who can afford that!!? Alright, we’re done here – let’s see what’s on ZeroHedge today, they sound smart and know a lot of stuff…
Pssst… wait… is he gone? Oh good – now, let’s get on with our business. USD/JPY is looking like a juicy long position but not just yet. This is looking WAY too easy and I’m waiting for a drop toward the 100-hour SMA just to screw with everyone a little. Probably worth waiting until Sunday night.
Silver – good to go here IMO but I’m taking only a tiny position (0.3R) as it’s been a wild ride lately. 14.2 is your minimum stop, mine is actually a bit below that.

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Don’t go crazy now – easy does it ahead of Jackson Hole and all. So, keep yourself busy – I for one have big plans for this weekend…
Hey, evil is as evil does.