It Keeps Going And Going And….
It Keeps Going And Going And….
The Energizer bunny continues its merciless march higher and we just may scrape the 2100 mark before they call it a year. Yes, my account is blinking bright green but that’s only half the fun. What really gives me the most joy is to watch all those talking heads picking tops over and over again only to get squeezed into oblivion. If you’re a bonafide masochist then do yourself a favor and continue to the take the other side of my trades.
Better luck next time cupcake. What was that old saying again…. oh yes – never step in front of a speeding freight train. That and to let your damn winners run without you mocking it up due to some fancy chart you fell in love with!
Talking of which I’ve got my sights on the 14R mark now – officially this has become the highest earning single campaign of this year now, even outdoing the huge Dollar run we enjoyed a few weeks back. I guess I should stop posting this chart by now as you guys are probably ready to ride me out of town on a rail

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You have been briefed – now have fun but keep it frosty. See you guys later this afternoon.