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Monday Wrap Up

Monday Wrap Up

Monday Wrap Up

by The MoleApril 20, 2009

Boy, today was fucking perfect – pardon my French 🙂

Do I even have to say anything about this chart? Doesn’t get much better than this if I may say so.

The two evil.rat boys also had a great first day – despite me screwing up the NQ alert this morning. Life is good and we banked some mighty coin – and that’s on top of the discretionary puts I was pimping on Friday. Hey, did you guys bother to check out DE and MET today?

Who ya gonna call? 🙂

Visual treat of the day:

It’s time I teach you rat bastards some culture – got to class this place up a bit.

UPDATE 8:46pm EDT: Someone posted here today, sounding all like a system trader pro and claiming that evil.rat was a curve fitted system and that it only did well due to various positive six sigma events in 2008.

As proof that evil.rat is not a curve fitted system please go here to review the 2007 performance data. Admittedly it’s less than half of what 2008 produced but one needs to consider that we were dealing with a relatively slow, peaking, and vastly less volatile market back then. But the system performed as advertised and would have produced profits continuously. One could have easily traded 2x or 3x the amount of contracts with relatively little risk, which is something we obviously do not recommend these days as volatility is much greater. What’s salient however is that the drawdowns on both, the ES and NQ future versions of evil.rat, are even smaller and that the performance curve is also pointing right up in a 45 degree line.

Finally, as stated on previous occasions, even if you don’t believe in my EWT analysis – which I must not so humbly point out has been spot on for the past 8 months – it is not unreasonable to assume that we will remain in a high volatility environment for the remainder of the year and most likely throughout 2010 as well.

So, you guys do the math – I think there is a reasonable probability that 2009 will at least perform as well as 2007 – if it performs as well as 2008 it would of course be a gift to all of us.

UPDATE 9:35pm EDT: Someone just asked me this via email and I thought I’d share my response with the rest of you ‘worker drones’:

Mole, I would love to subscribe but working in a fish bowl makes it near impossible for me trade the alerts. Are the the trade alerts set at any particular time frame? Or is there a way to auto trade? I know TOS has Auto Trade with other subscriptions. Anyway I appreciate your fine work.

Here it is in a nutshell:

  1. Buy an iPhone
  2. Set up iSwim – it’s free (and if you don’t have a TOS *margin* account – get one quick – takes a day or two)
  3. Subscribe to evil.rat
  4. Set up GMail for the iPhone (or use SMS alerts)
  5. Add GMail account to evil.rat profile
  6. Wait for alert
  7. Go to the bathroom if necessary and execute the trade (takes less than your crap).
  8. Profit 🙂

I mean – it’s extremely easy these days – it’s not like 1995 anymore where you have to call your damn broker. BTW, other brokers also do offer apps for the iPhone – so no excuses.

About The Author
The Mole
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at the usual social media waterholes.
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