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Payday Friday Trading Stocks

Payday Friday Trading Stocks

Payday Friday Trading Stocks

by The MoleSeptember 27, 2023

Many of you have been eagerly awaiting an update on the weekly market statistics scanner I mentioned in my previous posts. If this is you then this will make your day:

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I’ll spare you the gory details (watch the video above for that), but this project has turned into something really exciting that I am confident will give you a genuine edge in the market.

Unlike all that fluff, noise, drama, and B.S. posted on the Interwebs nowadays.

And quite honestly, the results have blown me away.

Here’s a sneak peak: If you conjured up your time machine, went back two years and invested $10k into the three tech giants of the US market – Apple, Microsoft, and Google – your portfolio would now be sitting at $10,857.64.

I mean – nice, but not exactly worth writing home about, right?

Now, if you’d used that same $10k to follow along with this statistics scanner, you’d now be looking at a balance of nearly $25k, plus minus depending on your exposure.

And all that without taking on massive risk or relying on outlier gains.

I don’t know about you, but to this old dog that sounds a lot more exciting.

Now instead of boring you with a lengthy post, I’ve recorded the deep dive video above that covers all the angles and shows you the juiciest parts of this project.

I’m still putting the final touches on the weekly reports (as you’ll see in the video) but expect them to be going live next Monday.

Of course I’ll be sharing all relevant information with you right here moving forward, so we can trade it together and (hopefully) print some nice returns along the way.

You can probably sense by now that I’m really excited about this project.

Reason being that this is actionable information that I expect will make a REAL difference in your daily trading activities, and will hopefully allow you to weather the economic storm that has been brewing for quite some time now.

I’ll leave it there for now, so you can go ahead and jump right into the video. Give it a watch, pay close attention, and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

But frankly speaking, the proof is in the pudding, right? So let’s start trading it together for a month or two and see what pans out 😉

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About The Author
The Mole
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at the usual social media waterholes.
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