Shop S-Mart!
Shop S-Mart!
UPDATE 2:20pm EDT: 899.89? WTF is that? A price label for a 32” HDTV? LOL
Careful bears – we are consolidating sideways – just look at the past month and project it on today and you understand what I’m saying.
“You primitive screwheads” – LOL – that shit NEVER EVER gets old. I probably have seen this movie 20 times by now…
BTW, I can’t believe only one rat commented on my beautiful CPC and NYHL charts – only noobs visiting these days or what?
UPDATE 2:30pm EDT: 900 will not be denied! Told ya rats! Who’s your daddy? Share the love or I have to reach for my chainsaw.
UPDATE 3:06pm EDT: In preparation for tomorrow’s ‘stress test’ announcement (cough cough) I just got myself a GLD butterfly. It was very cheap and it’s a lottery ticket obviously.
I think this is a good alternative to holding my GLD puts into OPEX.