Slim Pickings
Slim Pickings
This is the most inert holiday season I can remember. Honestly, I’m starting to get bored here – next year I may just take the remainder of December off after the 15th. Slim pickings across the board since everything continues to push sideways. Which of course makes it difficult to define any type of technical inflection points.
The only good news is that those Bollingers are getting tighter and tighter. Big move coming! Which direction, well – I’ll tell you as soon as my crystal ball is back from the shop.
The YM is near the lower range right now and we’ve got a NLBL at 17,975. Not a bad spot to be long with a stop below 17,900 plus minus. Or you can wait until 18,000 is back in play.
Two more futures setups below but I’m keeping those for my intrepid subs – please join me in the lair:

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