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Testosterone Thursday Rub Down

Testosterone Thursday Rub Down

Testosterone Thursday Rub Down

by The MoleAugust 20, 2009

And here we are again – back from whence we came – adding yet another frustrating Charley Brown moment to the long list of missed kicks in the past five months.

Fortunately I saw it coming right at the open and hedged myself accordingly plus I snagged quite a few points on the ES during the early morning rip tide. The rest is Zero history  – except for one brief moment we did not dip into negative territory all day. Horrible economic reports notwithstanding we are most likely on our way to making new highs – either tomorrow or most likely on Monday.

Program Trading Report

geronimo/ES: +1.25 (two trades – the last one didn’t have enough time)

The Orange scenario is still a theoretical possibility and we could technically see the tape turn at the 78.6% fib line resulting in a C wave into 965. However, the question is – with OPX Friday tomorrow and (as Fujisan predicted) a lot of o.i. in the 1000 region – how realistic is it?

At this point it seems that we’ve got a target painted at 1040 and potentially 1100 to round things up a bit. As I said all week – I will unhedge and then start adding March strikes on every leg up – which absent a crystal ball is the only way get exposed near enough the top of Primary wave {2}.

The powers that be are fully aware of which direction the Dollar is going to be pushing but for now they are keeping a lid at it for obvious reasons. Also, don’t think that equities cannot rally while the Dollar is pushing to the upside – it’s happened before (last March) and it’ll probably happen again. These types of correlations are often temporary and can break at any time – so be cautious relying on them for your trading.



About The Author
The Mole
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at the usual social media waterholes.
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