The Bots Are Back!
The Bots Are Back!
The bots are ba-aaack! And it was about time as my crew here was getting bored out their minds. So with a bit of luck and scotch tape we may be on route for our ill-deserved annual Santa Rally. Let me get you guys up to speed:
Exhibit A: Today’s UVOL/DVOL plots – in particular the early morning gap & ramp was run like clockwork and that green UVOL curve is via some damn Mathematica function. I for one welcome our new old robot overlords!!
Exhibit B: The Zero panel shows marginal participation but the morning buying frenzy was perfectly timed and apparently triggered a few dominos. That’s how it’s done, steel rats! If nothing else remember this chart for posterity – file it under ‘shot term bear traps 101’.
As of right now it’s looking pretty bullish here and if Thor hadn’t died and come back as a woman (damn you Stan Lee!!) he would be all over that bag of hammers on the spoos. If it ain’t broken don’t fix it – meaning until further notice my stop for my long positions remains near 2028.
It’s been pretty thin on the setup side this week – today I was only able to find one measly chart. And sorry folks – I got to keep that one for my intrepid subs. So if you got a secret decoder ring then please meet me in the lair:

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See you guys tomorrow.