You Surely Must Be Joking!
You Surely Must Be Joking!
I’m seeing some poor souls pouring their hearts out in the comment section and I think it’s once again time for a generous helping of Mole’s favorite tough love medley. Let me set the stage: Here we have Scott slumming it with you lowly retail rats for an entire week, giving you all the opportunity to get your hands on a veritable brain dump of wisdom and valuable experience. And may I point out it was all for the all time low price of absolutely FREE?
And a mere week later what are my tortured eyes forced to see upon returning from spending a few hours at the gym? Idle talk about the news and how unfair the market is as equities are pushing higher in tandem with the greenback. You must be kidding me, right? I won’t mention any names to protect the über-guilty but you know who you are and guess what – you’ve got have homework to do: Go back to this post, do not collect $200, and work yourself forward in what was presented until you have completely internalized all of Scott’s information. This ought to keep you busy until next Monday. Yes, I know – how dare he, that silly Mole, yadayada… But I have an inkling you will thank me later (I also have a feeling I won’t be winning any popularity contests anytime soon but that comes with the territory).
Alright, on to the charts – we are back from whence we came, this didn’t take long, did it? No breach of yesterday’s highs just yet but if we close inside then we are obviously going to paint an inside day candle. I kind of like the configuration here – could swing either way (which is the point I guess) and whatever move comes next may be big.
Same setup on the NQ, which I actually like a bit better – triggers on the chart.
However my favorite on the equities side (and more) I keep for my intrepid subs – please join me in the lair:

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