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A Game Changer For Crypto

A Game Changer For Crypto

A Game Changer For Crypto

by The MoleMay 4, 2023

Okay, so yesterday I told you about GRAVITAS and why I decided to build a trend trading signal for crypto in the first place. You don’t exactly have to be a trading genius to realize that something that calls big market swings in crypto can easily bank you a juicy fortune, given enough time.

Today I’ll give you the breakdown of how GRAVITAS actually came about and why I think it’s a complete game changer when it comes to trading or even hodling crypto.

Some of you may already be familiar with Cryptonaissance – a cross sectional momentum system I developed back in 2019.

If you traded Cryptonaissance with me back then, you’ll know it was incredibly powerful, effectively turning a base capital of $10,000 into $265,000 in only 10 months.

2021 may have been a crap year but Cryptonaissance more than made up for being locked up in our houses and having to breathe through a face diaper.

But then the 2022 bear market came around and we watched it melt away those profits just as quickly as we had made them…

And that really hurt to watch…

Instead of throwing in the towel I did what I always do when the going gets tough…

I went back to the drawing board and started working on a way to protect our profits from future crypto bear markets.

The stakes were high, because I already knew there were literal FORTUNES to be made from the crypto market. Cryptonaissance had more than proven that already.

But I needed a system that would trade long AND short, so it would always be in the market and it would continue to make money whether crypto climbs, goes sideways, crashes back down, or starts to do somersaults.

Without exaggeration I spent hundreds of hours testing out different strategies, market correlations, indicators, and what have you…

And in the end what helped me crack the code was something you find in modern navigation systems, autonomous cars, artificial intelligence, and even on your mobile phone.

You see, while searching for an answer, I stumbled across a YouTube series on what’s called the Kalman Filter, or the Kalman for short.

I mentioned this in my previous emails, so I won’t go into too much detail now, but basically the Kalman is a powerful algorithm used to help make sense of noisy or incomplete data.

It then makes an optimal prediction, even in uncertain or volatile situations.

I sensed a HUGE opportunity to take advantage of the predictive power of the Kalman as a long term trend trading signal which would work best in highly volatile markets (like crypto)

Inspired by its potential I spent some time implementing the Kalman as a simple indicator for Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The backtests looked very promising, but for obvious reasons I didn’t want to rely on backtesting.

You see, what most people do when building systems is START with a backtest.

And then they tweak it, and if it’s better, keep it, and tweak it again.

They add more rules, and more conditions until the simulations start to look amazing…

But it never works in the real world. As soon as they launch it live it’s just a matter of time until it crashes and burns.

Because lo and behold – the future is very different from the past.

So I decided to live trade the signal with real money for one full year to really test it out and put it through the ringer

And I can safely say that I am now 1000% confident in this system.

I have never seen ANY system that performs with such consistency and reliability in volatile market conditions…

GRAVITAS has essentially eliminated crypto’s biggest weakness

It PRINTS MONEY with incredible consistency in ALL market conditions…

Even during the Luna collapse, the FTX train wreck, and the SVB dumpster fire (which affected massive crypto deposits)…

And the GREAT news… you can get your hands on it VERY soon – so keep your eyes peeled over the next few days 😉

About The Author
The Mole
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at the usual social media waterholes.
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BTC: 1MwMJifeBU3YziDoLLu8S54Vg4cbnJxvpL
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ETH: 0x9D0824b9553346df7EFB6B76DBAd1E2763bE6Ef1
LTC: LUuoD6sDWgbqSgnpo5hceYPnTD9MAvxi6c