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How Gravitas Beat The Crypto Bear Market

How Gravitas Beat The Crypto Bear Market

How Gravitas Beat The Crypto Bear Market

by The MoleMay 3, 2023

Since I posted a quick video update on GRAVITAS last week, my inbox has literally been blowing up with messages from people begging for access to the system. Now, as much as I enjoy watching you squirm in eager anticipation, here’s a quick update to keep all you crypto degenerates in the loop 😉


GRAVITAS is a long-term crypto trend trading system that I’ve been working on for quite some time now.

Long term as in ‘it catches the big market swings and ignores all the noise in between.’

Sounds easy right? But many have tried and failed making that a reality.

Even the most respected voices in the crypto market keep getting their members slammed during the inevitable crypto bear markets.

But one indomitable crypto nerd didn’t accept failure as an option and so after months of hard work he managed to do just that.

Yes I’m talking about yours truly! 😉

Today actually marks one year since I launched the signal internally and began live trading it with my own money.

And it’s safe to say that it was certainly put to the test – the last 12 months have been some of the most challenging and chaotic times in the crypto market…

Where do I start? The Luna collapse, the FTX collapse, the SVB collapse (which was holding massive crypto deposits), just to name a few…

(Most punchable face in the universe)

But as the saying goes: When life hands you lemons – make lemonade.

Because a veritable crypto sh…storm was exactly what was needed to truly put GRAVITAS to the test.

Because there’s no point having a system that only works during the easy times.

What I wanted – what I needed – was something that worked even when everyone was running around with their hair on fire.

You see, crypto can be a straight up shitty thing to trade.

I know… no kiddin’ Sherlock!

When there’s a massive bull market, it’s obvious there is an F-TON of money to be made… even the most clueless of traders somehow manage to pocket a pretty profit.

But as soon as the easy times are over, they’ll quickly see their ill gotten gains melt away.

And for most people by the time their reptilian brain realizes they are in a bear market their account has already been cut in half and then some.

Look, we’ve all been there before… myself no exception.

And this is exactly why I set out to create a signal which would protect me and my community from the wild swings of crypto.

Because I didn’t want to make loads of money one year, lose most of it, and then have to wait around months or even years for the next bull market.

So this is where GRAVITAS comes into play…

Just look at the chart below – Bitcoin is blue, GRAVITAS is green

As you can see GRAVITAS completely demolished Bitcoin, turning a starting investment of $500 (i.e. 1 BTC in 2016) into over $100,000 over the past 6.5 years…

That’s a return of 20,000%!

Through all the ups and downs in the past 12 months, GRAVITAS continued to literally PRINT money consistently.

NOT in backtesting – mind you – but in LIVE tape as evidenced by the signals sent to my online trading floor.

Over 40% up on both ETH and BTC just this year!

It’s the T-800 of all crypto trading signals – you just can’t kill the damn thing, no matter what you throw at it.

Honestly, after being burned hard in 2022, I waited a long time to make this announcement because I wanted GRAVITAS to be real and bullet-proof.

But now it’s time to let the beast loose. My team is almost done setting things up on the backend. In the interim keep an eye out for more updates. 

I’ll be back tomorrow with a quick breakdown of how GRAVITAS actually came about and how it’ll help us navigate large swings in the crypto market moving forward..

Until tomorrow!


About The Author
The Mole
Mole created Evil Speculator amidst the chaos of the financial crisis in early August of 2008. His vision for Evil Speculator is a refuge of reason, hands-on trading knowledge, and inspiration for traders of all ages and stripes. You can follow him and his nefarious schemes at the usual social media waterholes.
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BTC: 1MwMJifeBU3YziDoLLu8S54Vg4cbnJxvpL
BCH: qqxflhnr0jcfj4nejw75klmpcsfsp68exukcr0a29e
ETH: 0x9D0824b9553346df7EFB6B76DBAd1E2763bE6Ef1
LTC: LUuoD6sDWgbqSgnpo5hceYPnTD9MAvxi6c