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I Got A Pocket Full Of Quarters

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March 13, 2020

I Got A Pocket Full Of Quarters

…And I’m heading to the Arcade.

I don’t have a lot of money, but I’m bringing everything I make.

I got a callus on my finger and my shoulders’ hurting too.

Gonna eat’em all up just as soon as they turn blue.

‘Cause I got Intraday Margin Fever…


The Airline Junkyard

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March 10, 2020

The Airline Junkyard

Good morning readers of the prestigious Evil Speculator blog. While Mole is seeking refuge away from Las Fallas, a mini Burning Man happening in Valencia right now, I’m here to keep you company. When I was explaining to one of my friends about Las Fallas, his first question was: AND WHY ARE WE NOT GOING!?!?!?!? If I hadn’t just touched down from Japan, we would be.


A Trip To The CBOE

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January 30, 2020

A Trip To The CBOE

Good cloudy Chicago morning people of the Evil Speculator nebulous of the cosmos. In the world of finance, New York City is a city of huge funds, the kinds that have billions under management. They are the Queen Mary’s of the trading world. Slow, and they make major waves when they move.

That pic is of the Chicago Board of Trade, which merged with the CME in 2007. It’s the hub of the South Loop financial district. There are 100s of trading firms within 5 block radius, the Chicago Fed, big banks and the CBOE.


OMG! 😳 The SPY vs AAPL Showcase Showdown!

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January 28, 2020

OMG! 😳 The SPY vs AAPL Showcase Showdown!

Yes it’s finally upon us. The moment we’ve all been waiting for, AAPL earnings are tonight after the bell. As I write this, I’m typing at my MacBook, wearing my Apple watch with my iPhone somewhere nearby.

The Apple watch is dorky, but it’s the best fitness tracker by far. A good friend Satish gave me his spare Oura ring after they gave him a new one under warranty. At $300 for the Oura and with the non LTE Apple watch at $400, I don’t really get why anyone would take the Oura option over the Apple watch.

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