Setup Tuesday!
Setup Tuesday!
We’ve been through some nasty tape over the past week but I have an inkling that’s about to change. Things are slowly coming into focus and it’s probably not accidental that we’ve got setups crawling out of the woodwork this morning. So it’s going to be a busy morning – grab a cup of coffee or your favorite tea, roll up your sleeves, and be ready to pull that trigger!
Quick update on the spoos – up/down/up/down – I think I’m getting sea sick. Whether or not this is yet another berar trap is beyond me but what I do know is that 2062 remains unchallenged thus far. I know I’ve been sounding like a broken record over the past week or two but this market is NOT healthy. Be on your guard!
I’m going to be short here below 2040 – long above the NLBL at 2047.75 – in between it’s a coin toss.
Okay, setups setups – we got aplenty. GBP/JPY – long here with a stop below 177.8.
AUD/CAD – long here with a stop below 0.9882.
Let’s not skimp on the futures either – I’m long cotton with a stop below 58.
But we’re just getting warmed up – please join me in the lair:

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You have been briefed – now have fun but keep it frosty. See you guys later this afternoon.