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VIXen – How To Swing Trade The SPY

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September 12, 2024

VIXen – How To Swing Trade The SPY

Once upon a time I used to be an active stock and options trader. But then I discovered crypto currencies and never looked back…  NOT!!! Actually trading stock options still is my bread & butter up to this day and I just so happen to be good at it.


VIXEN Looking For Betas

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July 13, 2018

VIXEN Looking For Betas

Since my big announcement three weeks ago (how time flies) I have been working hard to fix a very annoying data related problem in VIXEN that turned out to be a bit of the exotic type, but in the end had to yield to the untiring scrutiny of good old fashioned German engineering (none of that neo-hippy organic VirtueKraut bullshit) plus an extra heaping of politically incorrect and borderline creepy stubbornness. Okay, it was a lot more of the latter than the former but I’m now ready to stick a fork into VIXEN and let her loose onto my intrepid steel rats for an extended bout of beta testing.


Introducing VIXEN

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June 22, 2018

Introducing VIXEN

It’s been a rough week in an already dismal trading year, at least thus far. But to your credit you’ve all held strong and stuck with our script, especially when the going got tough and then some. So I think you all deserve some good news for a change. As I’ve already hinted on in recent posts, over the past year I have been working on a new IV related trading system in close collaboration with a very talented Chicago quant.

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