Thursday Morning Briefing
Thursday Morning Briefing
Welcome to our morning briefing. Here we are reviewing short term setups ahead of the NYSE opening bell. If you are a scalper or swing trader then these setups may be of interest to you. As usual keep in mind that these are short term setups although they could be used as early entries for more longer term positions.
Equities are still nibbling on their hourly inflection point – overnight the formation has actually improved from a technical perspective as the 25-hour 100 has caught up with the 100. So in a nutshell – be long ES above 1992 – anything below is whipsaw territory.
USD/TRY – a setup that the subs and I had our eye on. It triggered late last night and we’re off to the races! Already banked us 1R and our stop loss now moves to the break even point. Aaah – why can’t it be always that smooth? 😉
More short term setups are awaiting you below the fold:

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See you guys later – I have some important coding duties to return to.